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Well-Being Resources




If you or a family member are experiencing an urgent situation, please reach out to the appropriate resource below. 

If you are  experiencing an emergency (you or someone else is in immediate danger), remember 911 is appropriate for life threatening situations.

WMHS Learning Activities

Information on bagged meals 

Greene Alliance community services

Region 10 Emergency Services. Phone: 434-972-1800 or 1-866-694-1605 at any time    

National Suicide Prevention Hotline (free and confidential support to people in suicide crisis or emotional distress):  1-800-273-8255 24/7 

LGBTQ+ Youth Support Line / Side by Side (support for LGBTQ+ Youth ages 14-20):  1-888-644-4390 

Ready Kids Teen Crisis Hotline: 434-972-7233 (call/text) 

Sexual Assault Resource Agency (SARA) (hotline, advocacy, support, & emergency room accompaniment for victims of sexual assault). Phone: 434-977-7273 

Greene County Department of Social Services (Abuse/neglect services for children and families)

Virginia Community Resources (connects people with free info on available community & statewide services). Call 2-1-1 

24/7 Charlottesville Teen Hotline: 434-972-7233

Some additional resources, found on the Ready Kids website:    

Stress Management Tips

Parenting Support

Food Support